Aquaculture, Semarang. Create Collaboration, Find Potential, Together with FPIK Achieving Dreams! That is the jargon for the Young Diponegoro Orientation (ODM) promoted by the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University. The Diponegoro Muda Orientation Activity for the Undip Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences was offline starting Monday (14/08/2023). It was attended by 687 undergraduate-level students, with 103 aquaculture students. This event began with remarks by the head of the 2023 FPIK ODM, the head of the FPIK BEM, and the FPIK Dean, Prof. Ir. Tri Winarni Agustini, M.Sc., Ph.D., as well as embedding a participant’s identity card as a symbol of official acceptance of students from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University. In addition, he also introduced Faculty structural officials, Heads of Departments, and Heads of Study Programs.

In this activity, new students were introduced to the scope and system of higher education, especially Diponegoro University, which is the first step to start looking for their potential as millennial souls by developing good character and ethics so that they can actualize them in their environment and prevent disasters from happening. New students, of course, get exposure to material that supports this, related to introducing the scope and system of higher education, the role of millennials in the nation’s life, student ethics in lectures, the environment, and disaster preparedness. After each presentation of each material, it is followed by questions and answers and discussions with new students.

The introduction of the department was led by the Head of the Aquaculture Department, Dr. Ir. Desrina, M.Sc. Together with the teaching staff and educational staff, there was a question-and-answer interaction with new students. Students look enthusiastic at the introduction of the department. Furthermore, until Saturday (19/08/23) PENDIKAR will be held with presenting lecturers Seto Windarto S.Pi., M.Sc., MP., Rosa Amalia S.Pi., M.Sc., Tristiana Yuniarti, S. .Pi., M.Si., and Dewi Nurhayati S.Pi., M.Si.

The Undip FPIK ODM 2023 can be carried out and run successfully thanks to the cooperation between the new Undip FPIK students and the committee and administrators. Welcome to the Department of Aquaculture!