- Become an excellent Study Program in producing human resources in the field of Aquaculture with ability to compete at the local, national and global levels by 2025
Produce competent and qualified graduates in:
- Managing the potential of Aquaculture resources based on Good Aquaculture Practices,
- Create and develop cultivation businesses based on entrepreneurship so that it is profitable, thriving and sustainable,
- Identify and find solutions to problem solving in cultivation business activities, both independently and synergize with colleagues, communities and existing stakeholders, through the implementation of education supported by the implementation of research and community service
- Develop students to obtain the competency to design, implement and develop sustainable aquaculture practices, aquaculture science, and technology according to standard
- Equip students with the ability to work independently and in a team, develop good oral and written communication skills, critical thinking, innovative and able to utilize various sources of information to solve problems, possess high ethics and integrity, respect diversity, able to lead, organize existing resources and raise their entrepreneurial spirit
- Able to produce excellent graduates, have national and international competitiveness,
- Able to organize a quality learning process.
- Able to provide facilities and infrastructure of complete and quality learning to support good teaching and learning process.
- Able to carry out research, and produce science and technology, scientific publications, and intellectual property in the field of fisheries and marine,
- Able to disseminate applied science and technology in the field of fisheries and marine which is beneficial to society,
- Able to organize internal management and education services that are effective, efficient and accountable,
- Able to create a conducive academic atmosphere,
- Able to organize a well-integrated and well-managed internal management information system,
- Able to improve the quantity and quality of student activities and services,
- Able to conduct quality assurance system of quality and continuous,
- Able to hold S1, S2 and S3 undergraduate programs in accordance with the demands and needs of stakeholders,
- Able to establish cooperation with partner institutions to support graduates who COMPLETE.