Introduction to Fisheries and Marine Science (3 credits)
Understand the concept of fisheries and marine fisheries knowledge, fishing tools and types, the basics of cultivation/aquaculture, product handling, types of fishery product processing, and quality control.
Aquatic Ecology (3 credits)
The student will learn about abiotic and biotic factors in a tropical aquatic environment with the scope of knowledge about the concept of biota.

Basics of Aquaculture (2 credits)
This course studies the basic concepts of cultivation systems, technology, and basic management for aquaculture activities.
Fish Hatchery Technology (3 credits)
Learn the basic concepts and principles of fish, crustacean, and shellfish hatcheries.
Principles of Aquaculture Biotechnology (3 credit)
Learn the basic concepts of biotechnology, bioprospection, methods, PCR, and their application in the fields of disease, genetics, organisms, and aquaculture media.
Aquaculture Business (3 credit)
Learn the basic theories and concepts of planning, operating, and evaluating the aquaculture business, including human resource management, finance, and marketing.
Aquaculture Field Practice (3 credit)
Carrying out fieldwork practices in aquaculture in industries/institutions, evaluating management and technical cultivation at these locations following predetermined standards, and writing reports.
Ichtyology (3 credits)
This course studies the classification, structure, and function of organs for survival, reproductive processes, behavior, distribution, and fish growth.
Fish Nutrition (3 credits)
Studying science and technology about the role of nutritional parameters (macro and micronutrient needs, energy, and additives for cultured fish); the relationship between nutritional parameters, material selection, formulation, and feed formulation efforts to manipulate cultivate growth.
Management of Aquaculture Environmental (3 credits)
Studying the basic concepts of environmental carrying capacity, calculating the carrying capacity of the aquaculture environment, modeling and mitigating problems in aquaculture activities.
Fish Parasites & Diseases (3 credit)
Studying various diseases (parasitic, bacterial, viral, genetic, non-infectious, and environmental) in hatchery and enlargement of aquatic organisms.

Community Services (3 credits)
It is a field study activity initiated by debriefing (lectures) at faculties and universities and practical work practices in the community for about one month. Students who can take part in this activity have passed at least 100 credits of courses.
Final Project/Bachelor Thesis (4 – 6 credits)
Design, implement and analyze and write research results in the field of aquaculture following established standard procedures.