Fish farming group (Pokdakan) catfish Mandiri is a relatively recently formed farmer group, located in Gemenggeng, Ngrapah Village, Banyubiru District. The natural potential and enthusiasm of the residents to cultivate catfish in this village is quite high. Cultivation business in this village consists of enlargement and hatchery cultivation. Seeder farmers produce seeds which are sold to fellow members of the farmer group to be cultivated to reach consumption sizes and to other villages in the vicinity. Therefore, the sustainability of the catfish farming business in Ngrapah village and the surrounding villages is largely determined by the success of the seed farmers in maintaining the availability of seeds. However, production results from the Pokdakan catfish hatchery have fluctuated, but the trend is declining.

Application of UV lamps in recirculating cultivation systems at “Pokdakan Mandiri”

Based on the observations of the Service Team of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University, consisting of Dr. Ir. Desrina, M.Sc; Dicky Harwanto, S.Pi, M.Sc, Ph.D; Dr. Ir. Sarjito, M.App.Sc; and Dewi Nurhayati S.Pi, M.Si, one of the problems in catfish farming is the attack of Saprolegniasis caused by infection with the fungus Saprolegnia spp in eggs which causes the eggs to fail to hatch and seed production to be unstable. This is one of the main problems often faced by partner catfish hatchery farmers, namely the low degree of hatching and larval survival due to fungal infection in eggs. Even though the farmers have prepared the ponds well, fungal infections still occur which may be carried along with the incoming water. The fungus will infect the dead eggs and have the potential to spread to other eggs. This can be prevented by disinfecting the water that enters the hatchery to kill pathogens present in the water such as fungal spores.

In order to solve partner problems, the Service Team introduced an appropriate technology, namely a recirculation system equipped with an Ultra violet lamp. This system has the advantage of saving water and avoiding the entry of pathogens from outside the system. Ultra violet light is one of the disinfectants that can be used on consumption fish because it does not come into direct contact with fish and can kill microbes and fungal spores in the water that enter the culture container.