AQUACULTURE, SEMARANG – Walking Catfish (Clarias spp.) is an important commodity of freshwater culture in Central Java. Almost all regions in Central Java cultivate catfish at various scales. Disease is the main challenge in walking catfish production and cause significant economic loss. Ectoparasitic infestation is common disease of catfish in Central Java. Common ectoparasites of walking catfish are protozoa, monogenetictrematodes, crustaceans and fungi.
Through community service program, Dr. Ir. Desrina, M.Sc. along with a team of lecturers (Dr. Ir. Sarjito, M.App Sc, Dr. Dicky Harwanto, S.Pi, M.Sc dan Dewi Nurhayati S.Pi, M.Si) from the Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK), Diponegoro University (UNDIP) transfer knowledge and methods of using plant extracts as a natural disinfectant to community of walking catfish- farmers-(POKDAKAN) “MANDIRI “ in Ngarapah Village, Banyu Biru, Central Java on Wednesday, April 28, 2021.

In her presentation, Desrina who is a lecturer with expertise in the field of fish diseases, said that treating catfish in this plant extract can release the ectoparasites attached to the catfish skin, gills and fins. In addition, this plant extract can help farmers separating healthy and diseased fish that are not suitable for market. After immersion in plant extracts for 10-15 minutes, weak and sick fish showed symptoms of abnormal swimming and should be removed. In addition, Desrina and the team also provided assistance in maintaining catfish immersion treatment in plant extracts.
Due to the corona pandemic, the activity did not involve all members of POKDAKAN catfish Mandiri. Pak Agus as the chairman represented his group and welcomed this activity. He will socialize the entire series of this extension service activities to his members of POKDAKAN. “Disease has indeed become a problem that causes the death of catfish fry in this business. Hopefully this knowledge can be useful “. He said excitedly. (Seto)
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