On Monday, November 6, 2017 at the FPIK Tembalang Auditorium, a public lecture was held by the Department of Aquaculture. The public lecture was attended by students, lecturers, official staff and other parties, with 2 (two) speakers, namely: Dr.Ir. Woro Nur Endang Sariati, MP (Head of Class I Denpasar Bali KIPM Center) and Mulyanto, ST, M.Si. (Head of Perikan Hall
an Aquaculture Lombok). The public lecture with the theme: “THE ROLE OF EARLY DETECTION OF DISEASE AND MARINE CULTURE TECHNOLOGY IN SUPPORTING AQUACULTURE INDUSTRIALIZATION” was held with the aim that students could obtain the latest information on the role of early detection technology in fish disease identification, as well as various marine cultivation technologies in supporting aquaculture production. This public lecture is relevant to the courses given in the class, namely: Fisheries Biology, Aquatic Ecology, Water Quality Management, Limnology, Aquatic Invertebrates, Ikhtyology, Finfish Cultivation, Mollusc-Seaweed Cultivation, and others. On the other hand, this activity is an effort to strengthen the cooperative relationship between the Department of Aquaculture and the Denpasar KIPM Center and the Lombok BPBL, including in internships, research, community service and other collaborative activities.
In the 1st session, Dr. Woro in his presentation explained the importance of early detection efforts in the effort to guarantee the quality of export fish. Early detection of fish diseases can be done quickly, accurately and practically, including rapid test methods, including: Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) which is able to detect fish disease loci more specifically, sensitively and quickly, but has a relatively expensive cost constraint. Other cheaper methods are ELISA, Immunocytochemistry, Immunohistochemistry and Serology, which utilize the principle of detection of specific antibody-antigen interactions to detect the presence of fish diseases.
Meanwhile, Mr. Mulyanto, MSi in the second session explained about the facilities,
production infrastructure as well as production activity procedures for the superior commodities of BPBL Lombok, namely: Seaweed, Abalone, White Snapper, Pearl Oyster, Bawal Bintang and Clown Fish. Various kinds of production procedures for Finfish, Molluscs (Pearl Oysters and Abalone) and Seaweed tissue cultures are carried out, including the maintenance of brood and brood candidates, rearing and nursery larvae, enlargement / floating net cages (KJA), as well as supporting laboratory facilities, such as: Lab . Natural Feed, Seaweed Tissue Culture, Seaweed Nursery and Fish and Environmental Health Lab.
Public Lecture opened by Dr. Sarjito (Head of Aquaculture Department) at 09.00, and ends at 12.30 this is going well. Attention and student response is quite good, seen from the increasing number of questions to the speakers. As concluded by the moderator (Dr. Desrina and Bpk AH Condro Haditomo, MSi), it is hoped that more and more students will be interested in doing internships, field work (PKL) and final project research in the marine aquaculture field, given the potential and opportunities that are still wide open. .
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