Asia World Model United Nations (AWMUN) is a simulation of an actual United Nations conference, where participants are tasked with solving global problems through research, drafting, lobbying and debate to provide a suitable ‘resolution’. They take on the roles of delegates and chairs, represent different countries and work together with other participants from different backgrounds to take part in discussions and reach solutions to the agendas they have set. The agenda or topics raised during MUN are a reflection of real world problems discussed by the UN. They range from general topics such as the rights of religious minorities to specific topics such as improving accident protection around nuclear installations. The whole process and discussion took place under a formal ‘Rules of Procedure’ to actually model the PBB format
One of the 2018 Aquaculture Department students selected to represent this activity, she is Arnetta Ariesti.
I am very happy to join this event. This event is one of the dreams that I have long wanted to practice my skills in diplomacy, increase self-confidence, train public speaking, network, train critical thinking in dealing with a problem, train to speak English. The UN model is a simulation of UN organizations such as the UN General Assembly, UN Security Council, UNICEF, UNESCO and others. Participants take on the role of ambassadors from different countries and debate current issues. The UN model was developed in the 1950s as a way to provide students with hands-on learning in international relations, diplomacy and the United Nations. During the UN Model conference, you will spend a lot of time giving speeches and debating with other delegates, which can enhance your skills in these areas. Public speaking and debate skills are useful for nearly every career, so whatever job you want in the future, improving your skills in these areas is likely to benefit you. Every step of the Model UN requires teamwork, whether it’s dividing research assignments, writing position papers, or making speeches. At the conference, teamwork becomes even more important because you have to work with other delegates to come up with a solution that everyone is happy about and write a joint resolution paper. UN model delegates often gain experience in conflict resolution, consensus building, and negotiation, which are teamwork experiences that few other events offer. Strong teamwork skills are essential for colleges because they want to accept students who will work well with their classmates and other students on campus. Having a strong team work experience like what we can get through the Model UN can help strengthen our college applications. skills needed when you work and study.
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